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Regional Stem Design Challenge Grades 4&5
Stem Design Challenge
Each fall, students are presented a challenge. They have until the competition date to design a prototype using K'Nex®. On the day of the event, they will have 2 hours to construct their prototype from scratch. Additionally, they must prepare a blueprint, maintain a design notebook, and deliver a 2-minute presentation to the judges.
- Teams of up to 4 students (maximum)
- Prototype is to be built out of K’Nex®, up to 1400 pieces, using at least 1 motor. String, tape & rubber bands are permitted.
- Middle School teams will need to complete a budget of the pieces used.
Regional competition will be held at IU5
April 1st, 2025 for Grades 4&5 and April 2nd, 2025 for Grades 6-8 from 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Please e-mail studentprograms@iu5.org for more information.