Student Assistance Program (SAP)
The Student Assistance Program (SAP) is facilitated through the IU with a contract agreement with Erie County Department of Human Services. IU5 supports the provision and oversight of mental health liaisons who sit as members of SAP teams in the following school districts: Corry, Fairview, Fort LeBeouf, General McLane, Girard, Harbor Creek, Iroquois, Millcreek Township, North East, Northwestern, Union City, and Wattsburg. Mental health liaisons provide screening, assessment, and referrals to connect families to services. SAP is a resource for crisis preparation and response in our member school districts.
IU5 has two lead trainers certified through the Pennsylvania Network of Student Assistance Services. New team member training provides attendees permanent K-12 SAP certification needed in order to participate on the district team.

If you have questions about the SAP training or liaison services please call (814) 734-8483.