Workplace Readiness
For Students
Improving your math and reading or passing the GED®/HiSet® exam is just the beginning! IU5 Adult Education & Career Readiness and our partners are here to help students enter, succeed, and advance in the workforce and become economically self-sufficient.
In today's economy, many employers require their employees to take on additional work responsibilities and constantly improve their skills. If you're looking to improve your employment options, we can help. We'll work together to explore job opportunities, provide academic testing, and math/reading instruction to match your skills to the job you want! With our PA CareerLink® partners, you'll write or polish up your resume, navigate online job searches and applications, and prepare for job interviews.
For Employers
IU5 Adult Education and Career Readiness can help employers build work-based education programs to raise the skill level of their employees. Work-based education can provide any combination of English, math, writing, and "soft skills" using real work-based situations and programs, using site-specific workplace materials. All programs are completely customized with employer needs and goals in mind, and can be delivered on-site or in one of dozens of classrooms across the six county region.
The benefits for participating companies are significant. Employees gain skills, self-confidence, and job satisfaction. Employers see increased productivity, improved morale, a safer work environment, and reduced turnover and training costs. Employers may also be eligible for training or subsidized employment funds through our CareerLink partners.
If you're an employer and you're interested in learning more about what the IU5 can do for you and your workforce, please contact us.